Monday, December 29, 2008


so i've been of ways to exercise more. I think every other sunday i'm going to go skating from 2-5 and walk my 30 mins. Every couple of days i'm gonna go to the tennis court for a few hoours. Maybe a little bit of jogging in the park. I've got to change my ways espically since the new year is coming up.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

new years

okay so i've been thinking, you know since we have a new year coming up i've come up with a few new year revolutions that I plan on accomplishing in 2009. My first would be that I would like to participate in a local marathon they have each year its called halloween fun run it's 3 miles and I would like to be able to run the whole way. Then I would love to be more organized and have more enegry. My last would be to accomplish my goal weight by this time next year hopefully I would be able to weigh 170 and close to my size 8. But I believe I will accomplish those.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

realization hmm...

Well today was a very slow was a little to busy I'm proud to say I havent ate any of the food from there in about a week. Which of course I don't need to it's all fating and bad for you. I do find it kinda hard to drink the 96 oz of water a day i've made it once. but I try not to get on the scales but sometimes I can't help it. Atleast I dont weigh 250 anymore like I did instead I'm down to 238 so I'm proud of that. I've pretty much changed my whole outlook on food if it's man made it's best not to eat it. look at all the things we've made that's really not necessary for us to have to live and function right. twinkies, ice creams, french fries, chips and etc. it's just not necessary. 12/05/08


ok today I measured and i've lost a few inches so i'm happy about that even though I haven't weighed yet. But I feel great I haven't had a headache in a good while which is a relief espically since I had them ever day. I've been drinking my 96 oz of water a little bit more i've been eating the right things trying to avoid the bad things. so far everythings going pretty good so I can't wait I have something to look forward to.

Monday, December 15, 2008

my journey

well ok I'm on a journey to a better and healthier me. I've always been over weight even when I was young. So i'm tired of being weight so hopefully by this time next year I will already have reached my goal I want to lose 70 IBs. So far i've lost 12 I did weigh 250 and now I weigh 238. I couldn't have ever thought I could do this until I found sham my online personal trainer he is great. I've been working witth him for 3 weeks and I can already see results. I feel happy to know that getting results and it's not even been that long.