Friday, May 22, 2009



So everythings been going okay it could be better. But I completed my first 5k in Apirl like I wanted. It was so awesome. I liked it so much that I decieded to do another one in May it was a breast cancer 5k. It was so nice it took like a hour and 15 minutes but the view was beautiful. It was at chastain park in Atlanta. I plan on do another soon. So I will let you know how that goes i'm hoping I can finish it in 45 minutes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


so i've been feeling pretty good lately feeling better about myself I can see a difference. In how I look and how my clothes fit. My stomachs gone down a good bit so i'm glad that's improving. I'm so grateful to have my trainer helping me he's done a awesome job so far. Now I only have like 50 more to lose but I know I can do it. Hopefully we will have a 5k coming up so I can participate in that so we will see how that goes.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well okay so i've been going to the gym everyday this week and walking 30 mins. It's really not that bad going everyday I guess it's a habit i'm getting into because if I deciede not to go I feel like i'm missing something so this year will be my year and I will lose the weight I want nothing is gonna stand in my way I deserve be happy just like everybody else so therefore I will I know it will not be easy but i'm willing to do the work. I'm tired of being big this will be the last year I can promise and I will never be 250 again there no sense in it. We are put here for a purpose not put here to be overweight. We have a job to full fill and i'm sure being over weight isn't one I know i'm committing my life to people because I want to be able to make a difference in one life. I'm gonna do great in college and be a nurse I feel confident that's what i'm here for.