Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well okay so i've been going to the gym everyday this week and walking 30 mins. It's really not that bad going everyday I guess it's a habit i'm getting into because if I deciede not to go I feel like i'm missing something so this year will be my year and I will lose the weight I want nothing is gonna stand in my way I deserve be happy just like everybody else so therefore I will I know it will not be easy but i'm willing to do the work. I'm tired of being big this will be the last year I can promise and I will never be 250 again there no sense in it. We are put here for a purpose not put here to be overweight. We have a job to full fill and i'm sure being over weight isn't one I know i'm committing my life to people because I want to be able to make a difference in one life. I'm gonna do great in college and be a nurse I feel confident that's what i'm here for.

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